Joshua is still not walking although he is capable of doing so. He has been able to pull himself up and walk alongside furniture since seven months but he is too cautious to do it on his own. I have tricked him to stand and take a step on his own a few times but now it is nearly impossible to outsmart him. So I will just have to wait until he finally becomes brave enough to do it on his own. :)
What a cutie!
Doesn't that lady in red look like she wants to have a turn at Joshua's little toy car too?! She looks kinda sad.... :) HA HA HA
My son turned one is July and we bought him a riding toy like that (pooh bear). He loves this toy. It was the best buy for his birthday.
My son was the same way he would cruise the whole living room until he ran out of furniture then he would get down and crawl. I knew he could do it but he didn't think so. One day we looked at him and he was walking. What a surprise that was!
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